Saturday, August 09, 2008

[cue Olympic theme song]

After watching the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony, I must admit: that was pretty AWESOME. I loved all the cool effects, the costumes, the themes, the performances! The countries were, as usual, incredibly long and boring. The order that they appeared TOTALLY threw me off. WTF's with the frikkin character stroke counting?! Nobody cares -_-. I think they just wanted to make EVERYTHING somehow "Chinese" so of course they couldn't just put the country names in alphabetical order. Way to confuse the hell out of the rest of the world, good job China.

The US, of course, looked HELLA spiffy in their Ralph Lauren gear (which looked like they were torn straight off the logo). :D

Then there's China and all 630 athletes that like flood the field in their BRIGHT red and yellow gear (which the tv made look like NEON PINK. haha i thought that was funny). Ok so maybe it's just me... but I guess I really don't like the Chinese in the Olympics. I never really did. Yeah.... so I'm Chinese and everything.... But I've ALWAYS rooted for the American athletes. I just like them so much more! I think a large part of it was.... that my mom and my family are REALLY jingo Chinese, and it bugs the hell out of me.

Here's what I don't like about the Chinese and Olympics:
  • They are WAYYYY too obsessed with beating USA at the medal race.
  • Everything is so strategized. I was listening to the commentary during the Opening Ceremony and it seems like the Chinese specialized their athletes in certain sports that they are strong in so they can get the most medals possible.
  • I feel like athletes have less freedom in what they can do with their own moments of glory at the Olympics. Hand-picked athletes to compete and win medals. How desperate can they get?
America better beat their asses in the medal count. I'm excited XD


  1. i agree. as usual, with the chinese, it's all about the numbers.,9171,1813961,00.html

  2. I LOVE CHINA! hahaha if i were in china, i would be a professional gymnast. and this would've been seven years ago when i was 12! i'd be retired!!!
