Monday, July 28, 2008

a new leaf.

ok well.... i guess i kinda neglected this blogspot thing for a bit. (maybe more than... a bit). it's been FOREVER since i've blogged (as you can tell). damn crystal and charity for bringing this back. haha.

i go back and read my old xanga posts, and man are they crazy. wen i used 2 type like dis n stuff. i member dose dayz. i swear. that was like so 5 years ago...

summer's slowly wasting away. and i feel that i should be taking advantage of it? reading charity's last post totally made me feel this way. thanks muchly. hahaha. all i do for hours is sit at home and watch some new chinese drama i seem to be stuck on. i should read, but i dont. i should study, but i dont. i should go out and move around, but i dont. i should work on some cki work, but i dont. its all so.... BLAND.

andddd... its back to the good ol' youtube for me. i shall return when i feel like taking a drama break. haha. (i feel like charity.... hahaha)