Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Crunch Time

man i really HATE studying.

i hate knowing that there's something i should be doing, but i don't have to do.
i hate that nagging feeling in the back of your mind because you know that horrible test is coming up.
i hate stressing over what's going to be on the test.
i hate wasting time doing things i would never do but i am doing because i know i have to study, but its just so tempting. (kinda like this blog entry.....)
i hate not knowing what to study for, what to look for, what to focus on.
i hate reading or looking at something until you feel like your eyes are going to fall out of your head, but you have to because... well... the test is coming!
i hate not getting enough sleep, and not because you were studying but because you were doing something completely irrelevant.
i hate the moment you start studying, because it's depressing to see how much you have left to study.

and the sad part? i haven't even started -_-

1 comment:

  1. Aiyah -- I think the second half of that list is pretty spot on for me too >_(\
