It's weird. I've never wanted to come home before. I usually love staying in Berkeley, enjoying the independence. Yet, I really felt excited about coming home this time, and it's a great feeling. I suppose wanting to see my friends and being pumped up for DCON totally boosts the feeling of anticipation. I like being at home and not having to worry about anything.
I gots a new phone! It's a Samsung Sway and man is it PRETTY :) Please give me your number if I don't already have it! Thankss :D
There Will Be Blood.
This movie made me effing crazy. Everyone in this movie is crazy. The son is crazy, the oilman is crazy, the prophet is crazy. Oh god, I wanted to shoot myself, or shoot the screen, or shoot SOMETHING. Nearly 2 hours into the movie, I was so restless I almost felt like crying. I wonder about this movie getting Best Picture at the Academy Awards last year. I mean... I guess it's got some profound message or makes some interesting social commentary about oil and religion, but it didn't work for me this time. Usually, I'm totally into shit like that.
I also realized I totally need to declare my major by the week we get back to school. FML.
13 years ago